Monday 23 January 2006

Some interesting Gmail features

When I was checking my e-mail today I realised that I had spam in my spam folder. So I went ahead and deleted it, just then something caught my eye...

I don't know about you but having 'Spam Fajitas' in the webclips section in my spam folder just cracks me up.

And apparently, Gmail just added a delete button. I wonder how many people are going to use this, I mean after all you have about 2687 MB of storage. I know I would probably...

use it. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters and updates and so on, so my inbox is always cluttered with this kind of stuff. I'm a kind of person that likes to keep his inbox clean (unfortunately it's not the same for my room) and usually I used to search here and there to find the option that used to delete the selected mail, but now it's a piece of cake.

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