Friday 17 March 2006

Blogger is down

A few blogs on are down today (including mine) so I guess I'll have to continue working with the template some time later. However, the blogger guys have kindly put up my disclaimer and my RSS feed links so that my beloved blog reader, can still access all my posts through their favourite aggregator... so thanks to them.
On a completely different note, I'm now going to put up the posts that weren't published properly, on how to enhance your digital images (using Photoshop and the rules of photograply) and a few other posts that somehow mysteriously went missing (I'm sure it was my fault, probably due to my absentmindedness). That's it for today, now it's time to go enjoy my wonderful March/Spring break, which is sadly coming to an end this weekend. Oh yeah and happy St. Patricks day.

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!

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