Thursday 15 September 2005

Basics of the computer

Basically a computer is a device that allows us to put input and get the output. One of oldest example of the computer is an abacus. It is and was used to calculate math. It works with beads (more on the abacus later). Of course it doesn't work on electricity or anything but if you put input you can get the output.

Digital computers work on electricity (for now atleast). They to allow you to put input and get output. But these computers work on electricity so the only thing it can understand is on and off because electricity only has two states on and off.
A digital computer uses binary language/system. Which is on and off.
In the binary language on is represented by 1 and off by 0.
So on=1 off=0.
Combination of this one and zero makes a set of instructions.

When the computer processes anything the info has to go though a channel of processes in order to give us the output.

Now since the two basic things about computers are input and output. There are also devices that are known as input devices and output devices.
Input device- Put data into the computer
Examples of input devices
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Trackball
- Digital camera
-Touch screen monitor (even though the monitor is considered out put device a touch screen isn't)

Output device display the data from the computer after being "processed"
Examples of output devices
- Monitor
- Printer

There are two types of storage dynamic storage and long-term storage.
Dynamic storage is only there when you need it then it gets erased and long term storage stay there (there refers to the storage device) until you delete it.

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