Tuesday 28 March 2006

Beyond Tecknology Sage Style

Today I just opened up my Sage to view my rss feeds and I noticed that the Hicks skin was a bit boring and didn't look all that awesome, that's why I just made my own modifications to make this look better.
Now although this isn't probably the best skin/style ever for one of the best Firefox extensions, it's close enough. I got the idea from the 'spotlight' theme in NetNewsWire. And the header image is also something similar to that, which I also took from a screenshot in Jon Hicks's post (I hope this is allowed). So it's got the looks and the usability.
And since I'm a very good guy I decided to post the source code and the image up, so that others can also enjoy the modified hicks style!

How to Install:
  1. Copy the code below and paste it in a text editor (like notepad or text edit) , or right click and click on save frame as then... save it as a .css file (for example 'style.css')
  1. Right click on the image below, and then save it as sageheader.png in the same folder as the css file.
  2. Change the settings in sage. Click Options > Settings... > Check 'Use custom CSS' > Click Browse and browse to the css file.
  3. Enjoy your new style while using the ever wonderful sage!

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to beyondteck+question@gmail.com and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!

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