Friday 12 October 2007

Windows Vista Product RED free downloads

It's interesting to see that Windows + Dell actually would pay $50 to needy people if you'd spend an extra $150 to buy Windows Ultimate, which pretty much has the same amount of "cool new features" with this new thing called Vista Product (RED). I mean, if you really want to help out, wouldn't you rather just get the normal "Vista Premium" operating system and then just pay the $50 or even $100 (since you'll be saving $150) on your own for the same cause?

By this interesting marketing ploy it seems that the two big companies are actually trying to leverage their profits more than they are trying to help people out. Nonetheless, I think that those who willingly pay their money to such causes, without buying the operating system, especially if they already have a Vista computer, should be entitled to receive the same kinda "cool stuff" to spread the message around. I mean, I'm a big believer in viral marketing/word of mouth and if one person supports something, its quite natural for their friends to also support the same thing. So in a way, having the Product (RED) wallpapers/screensavers around remind you of the bigger problems that need some attention apart from the infinitesimally little problems that you might be experiencing. So, I'm putting some links to the downloads on this blog. Even if you can't pay with money, please keep in mind that you can still help a person out by doing many other things (that are indeed harder to do that just give money) such as volunteering in a soup kitchen and so on.

Windows Vista Product (RED) Wallpapers

You can download Vista Product (RED) the wallpapers from this page.

Windows Vista Product (RED) Screensavers

You can download the Vista Product (RED) screensavers from this page.

Windows Vista Product (RED) DreamScene Content

Please keep in mind that in order to run the DreamScene content on your desktop, you will need DreamScene. And therefore, you'll also need Windows Vista Ultimate. Although you can read my guide here on how to get DreamScene on any Windows Vista computer. But nonetheless, you can still play the .wmv file in your Windows Media player. You can find the Vista Product (RED) dreamscene content on this page.

Windows Vista Product (RED) Sidebar Gadgets

You can download the Vista Product (RED) Sidebar Gadgets on this page.

Again, please, if you do download any of this content, remember the people that need your help and act accordingly.

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!

1 comment:

  1. Windows Vista Product Red S >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Windows Vista Product Red S >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Windows Vista Product Red S >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK g5
