Tuesday 22 November 2005

Firefox 1.5 RC 3 is now here... do you have it yet?

Firefox's Release Canidate 3 is now released and if you have firefox 1.5 beta (1 or 2 I suppose) your browser will automatically update itself and then you can install it later. If you don't have it yet then you can get it at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/ (yes they updated the site) and it is well worth the download.

The key things in this browser I've noticed:

1. The speed seems to be more. The pages load much more efficiently then it used to before.

Well, that's basically it and a few other things that might have been changed internally that I cannot be certian about.

This is what the people over at Mozilla had to say:

What's New in Firefox 1.5 RC 3
  • Automated update to streamline product upgrades.
  • Faster browser navigation.
  • Drag and drop for browser tabs.
  • Improvements to popup blocking.
  • Clear Private Data feature.
  • Answers.com added to search engine list.
  • Descriptive error pages, redesigned options menu, and RSS discovery.
  • Better accessibility support.
  • Report a broken Web site wizard.
  • Better support for Mac OS X.
And that's about it. I'm sure that the final version of Firefox 1.5 Deer Park won't dissapoint us at all! If this is good imagine how much better it will get...

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to beyondteck+question@gmail.com and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!

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