Saturday 1 April 2006

It's April fools

It's April Fools day, April 1st 2006This year there seems to be a long list of stuff for April fool's day, and apparently I think not so many feel like doing it every single year, so my guess is that it's probably going to reduce every year. But since I'm an optimist and april fools lover, let's just hope that doesn't happen. At least not the big pranks hazardous kind of pranks that some have come across (in some point of their lives) might not be continued (unless it's a tradition).

Wikipedia has a long list of things done on 'April 1, 2006' which is most likely going to get longer as the day progresses. I seriously can't stop laughing after going through the list. If you want more, then I suggest you might want to keep an eye on digg, you never know what news is going to get posted over there.

Another one of my favorites is the 'Google Rooms' one, absolutely hilarious, I'm surprised why Google doesn't have a April fool's doodle... and think geek gets a honorable mention as well (here's a screenshot, since I figure, they are going to remove the page sooner or later), sometimes I wonder if they could get any funnier. Now let's just wait and see what comes up later on today... the day is still young (at least over here right now it's 10:49 EST) !

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