Saturday 19 April 2008

Add a rating feature to your blog posts

Ever wonder what your blog readers think about your blog? May be they like your posts or may be they don't find it all too interesting. Most blogs have a comments feature, however due to the laziness factor in most readers on the internet today people seldom leave a comment if a post is great, beneficial or if the post needs improvement. In that case the only way to find out is to let your blog readers rate your post.

If your readers like your post, naturally the rating will be higher. If they don't then I guess you'll have to write about something else or blog about a different topic. Essentially, adding a 'post rating' option can help you improve the quality of your blog by leaps and bounds.

If you are lucky enough to have your own domain and use the Wordpress CMS system, you'll probably be aware of the post rating plug-ins for wordpress. However, if you use other content management systems such as blogger you'll need something more. The simplest, easiest and free solution that I know of so far is called outbrain ratings widget. It's a great free service that allows you to add the 'star post ratings' feature to pretty much all major blogging systems including Blogger, Typepad, Wordpress, Drupal and even FeedFlare (which is a service offered by FeedBurner).

You can even sign-up and even track the ratings for all your posts which is not available in any plug in I've seen so far.

Cool, huh? All you need to do is go to the outbrain website and click on the appropriate button and it'll let you know what you ought to do.

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!

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