Sunday 1 February 2009

Stop MSN messenger from starting up with your computer

Is it just me or does anyone else also find MSN (or now called Windows Live Messenger or WLM) messenger popping up all the time right after you start up your computer annoying? I mean, I didn't even tell that thing to start up right after I start my computer... it's like it has a mind of its own.

Any way, I realize that there might be a few out there who might need some help to stop MSN from starting up automatically every time you log into your PC. Here's how you can do that...

First, sign into MSN messenger. And then Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard to open up the menubar. Alternatively you can also click on the show menu button, as shown below.

Then, simply click on Tools > Options > "Sign-in" (on the left hand side of the window that pops up.).

Once you do that, uncheck the boxes beside:
  • "Automatically run Windows Live Messenger when I log on to Windows"
  • "Open Windows Live Messenger main window when Windows Live Messenger starts"
Optionally, you can also uncheck:
  • "Allow automatic sign in when connected to the Internet"
Once you are done, just click ok!

Now, no more annoying Windows Live Messenger when you're trying to do some work!

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!