Sunday 17 January 2010

Learning to Program Python with Computer Games

While I never really bothered to learn Python (I don't really know why), a resource named Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2nd Edition!), has piqued my interest. The book is geared towards people who are just learning to program and introduced Python in a rather enjoyable and fun way with simple games like Hangman and TicTacToe.

What's more? The book is entirely free, and you can head on to the website and take a look at all the source code as well as download a PDF of the book. Definitely worth checking out if you're interested in learning Python or if you are interested in learning computer programming.

I can't wait to take a look through this book and learn from the interesting ideas I find. And if you're never programmed before, this book might also be a good starting point.

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!


  1. Will i be able to make Python games and apps for my Symbian phone Nokia 5230.I really wish to develop mobile apps and games in Python.How easy is this.

  2. Online Military Training, once you start programming basic things with Python using the book as reference material, you should get a pretty good idea of how basic programming works. Once you have this knowledge, you'll have to read more about how to develop applications for mobile devices in several other books (a few books on how to develop mobile applications and a few more on how to program for your specific phone/phone type). Hope this helps.

  3. Fun. Python is fun, developing games even more fun.
