Saturday 17 December 2005

If I ever had 100,000 dollars

If I had a 100,000 that I could blow up on something it would probably be a BMW or something. But unfortunately I need to spend those money on shares (yes, this is boring ol' business class stuff again) and make a lot more money. Well, if you are a beginner in the real share market you might think it is a piece of cake to do this but, let me tell you something it isn't.

It's seriously hard to come up with these choices... but anyways, I have to go with what I have.

If you want to see what I picked then you need to download the files below!

Here are the PDF and XML Files of my shares... for those who wan't to see what I have! These files will be updated weekly or once in 2 weeks. I'll also include graphs comparing profits/rise and fall of my shares from week to week.

Excel - 18 KB Image hosted by
PDF - 59 KB Image hosted by

Week 2
Excel - 21 KB Image hosted by
PDF - 46 KB Image hosted by

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