Saturday 5 July 2008

Microsoft Word - Disable automatic hyperlinks

Don't you just hate having to deal with those annoying hyperlinks every-time you type in a website or e-mail address in Microsoft Word? Not only does it look horrible when you print the document out (especially if you're doing a resume or a report). Plus, if you accedently click on it, I find that the computer slows down to a crawl for several seconds before responding to the click – not exactly great if you ask me. 

Here's how you can turn off this annoying feature (if you in fact find it annoying like me) for good. You can of course right click on the hyperlink and click 'Remove Hyperlink' or if you're on a Mac right click and 'Edit Hyperlink' > 'Remove Hyperlink', but I simply prefer a much more permanent solution.

The solution to this is pretty simple:

How to turn off automatic Hyperlinks in Microsoft Word!

1. Click on the Tools menu in the menubar and click 'AutoCorrect Options'. If you're on a Mac you can click on 'Microsoft Word' in the menubar and click 'Preferences'.
2. Click on AutoCorrect Options.
2. Switch to the 'AutoFormat As You Type' tab
4. Uncheck the checkbox beside 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks'

5. Click OK.

Viola! No more automatic yucky hyperlinks!

Got a question, tip or comment? Send them to and we'll try to answer it in a blog post!


  1. Always good to know. Too bad practically every software package has this frustrating "feature". My personal pet peeves are SharePoint forms OpenOffice. Especially when the path has a space in it and the (dumb) program only hyperlinks half the path. Looks terrible!

  2. Haha! Very true, they should have disabled this feature by default in the applications. It's just plain annoying to have the ugly hyperlinks pop up in the middle of a bibliography or something. It also doesn't help when I copy stuff from Wikipedia!
